P2 solution
(too old to reply)
Iulian Neamtiu
2005-02-23 18:13:17 UTC
P3-P6 will depend on having P2 working. If your P2 is not working, or
you're not happy with your implementation, we'll provide you with a
'reference' implementation of P2. You won't lose any points if you get
this solution. The goal is to avoid spending valuable P3 time for fixing
your limping P2.

If you need a reference solution, see a TA during office hours, and he
will provide you with a working P2. We cannot honor email requests for a
solution due to security reasons.

Justin Berman
2005-02-24 05:06:48 UTC
Can we schedule a quick meeting earlier than Mondays office hours so we
can get working on it this weekend if we want a reference solution?


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