2005-09-26 22:58:04 UTC
From what I understand, the Send_Signal function is used to send a
signal to a process.
The only way user mode processes can send signals to a process is
through system calls. However, the only system call that seems to be
sending a signal is Sys_Kill. The others do not send signals, rather
system calls like Sys_Signal and Sys_RegDeliver just set signal handlers.
So the question is, apart from Sys_Kill, since no other system calls
seem to be sending signals, how are we going to be testing our signal
handling / delivering system?
signal to a process.
The only way user mode processes can send signals to a process is
through system calls. However, the only system call that seems to be
sending a signal is Sys_Kill. The others do not send signals, rather
system calls like Sys_Signal and Sys_RegDeliver just set signal handlers.
So the question is, apart from Sys_Kill, since no other system calls
seem to be sending signals, how are we going to be testing our signal
handling / delivering system?