Post by cs412040 I'm wondering when paging in start in rec.exe 3300 ? I think that it does not happen untill reaching 1.
I think that it should be happening around the 3200 mark. In discussion Iulian said that when you call rec 3300, you should be start paging around 100.
Post by cs412040 I mean that only paging in. or you mean that paging in and out occure after 100 ?
For me I'm seeing paging out at around 100 and paging in at around 90 I think. Of course, my paging in and out are bugged so I might be off a little. :)
For me, paging out started at 94. That's where it hit the TODO before I actually implemented page outs. Paging in shouldn't even happing until it reaches 1, though, and starts moving back up the stack as it closes out its recursive function calls. (I just put in a print statement whenever a page-in was needed to find this.)
Post by cs412040 I'm wondering when paging in start in rec.exe 3300 ? I think that it does not happen untill reaching 1.
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