William Francis Cladek
2005-04-25 13:18:55 UTC
For simplicity's sake, can we assume that in the testing done for this
project, each individual call to Read and Write will at most involve two
blocks? I noticed in the test files that no read or write does
more than 1000 bytes, so I was wondering if this would be true in all
cases, or should we be prepared for a read/write of
any arbitrary number of bytes?
(i.e. Should we have to prepare for a single read/write call of greater
than 4k such that there will be a fraction of a block involved,
some number of whole blocks, and then another fraction of a block.)
project, each individual call to Read and Write will at most involve two
blocks? I noticed in the test files that no read or write does
more than 1000 bytes, so I was wondering if this would be true in all
cases, or should we be prepared for a read/write of
any arbitrary number of bytes?
(i.e. Should we have to prepare for a single read/write call of greater
than 4k such that there will be a fraction of a block involved,
some number of whole blocks, and then another fraction of a block.)