(too old to reply)
James Reilly Andreassi
2005-09-16 20:30:09 UTC
Two quick questions,

What should we do if a process tries to Sys_Kill itself?

What should we do if a process tries to Sys_Kill a kernel thread?

Thank you
Iulian Neamtiu
2005-09-17 04:38:13 UTC
Post by James Reilly Andreassi
Two quick questions,
What should we do if a process tries to Sys_Kill itself?
Honor its request, i.e. kill it.
Post by James Reilly Andreassi
What should we do if a process tries to Sys_Kill a kernel thread?
Forbid it and return EACCESS (-11), it's defined in include/geekos/errno.h.

David Marcin
2005-09-19 08:06:29 UTC
The project description says: Add a src/user/kill.c user program. This
should take one or more command-line arguments, each of which is a
process PID, and invoke the Kill system call on each, returning 0 if all
of the system calls succeed, or the result of the first system call that

Suppose we had a this command: kill 4 5 6 7 8 9

If kill successfully kills 4, 5, and 6, but then fails to kill 7, should
we print the error received from trying to kill process 7 and exit? Or,
should we continue to try to kill 8 and 9 and return the result of 7
failing after everything is done?
Saurabh Srivastava
2005-09-19 18:33:42 UTC
| Suppose we had a this command: kill 4 5 6 7 8 9
| If kill successfully kills 4, 5, and 6, but then fails to kill 7, should
| we print the error received from trying to kill process 7 and exit? Or,
| should we continue to try to kill 8 and 9 and return the result of 7
| failing after everything is done?

print the error returned while killing 7 and exit.
David Marcin
2005-09-20 15:50:16 UTC
What is the proper behavior in these cases?

1) A process is spawned that spawns a foreground process and waits on
that process. In other words, the behavior of create_child.c. A user
then calls kill on the child process.

2) A process is spawned that spawns a foreground process and DOES NOT
wait on that process. Similar to create_child.c except that the parent
does not wait on the child. A user then calls kill on the child process.

The point is, if kill chooses only to decrement refCount by 1 and wake
the parent it does not fulfill its contract of removing the process from
the system because it relies on the parent calling Wait. If the parent
is not calling Wait then kill creates a zombie process and fails to
remove the thread from the system.

However, if we choose to zero the refCount manually and kill the process
there is another problem. Presumably we want to wake the parent that
had previously been waiting for the process we just killed. When this
parent wakes up it will be in the middle of a Join call with a
Kernel_Thread reference to an invalid (dead) thread, at which point it
will access possibly deallocated memory.

The latter situation seems to be more desirable than the former since
kill then fulfills its contract. However, what should the behavior of
Join be upon waking up with an invalid Kernel_Thread pointer.

Alternatively, we could simply fail to wake the parent thread to avoid
the problem entirely. This seems like a rather silly policy though.
Please clarify.
David Marcin
2005-09-20 15:54:43 UTC
It would appear that while I was writing this you answered it in the
thread "When a parent process dies..."
Saurabh Srivastava
2005-09-20 16:25:08 UTC
Please read my post earlier on the thread "When a parent process dies...".
The clarification below are additions to that post.

The contract for Sys_Kill is that it terminates the execution of the
process whose kill request it receives. It does not state that the process
needs to be removed from the system immediately. Bookkeeping in the kernel
and/or faults in the parents behaviour may cause it to hang around.

So its responsibility when killing the thread is to inform other threads
, waiting on it, of its demise and to terminate the killed threads

Now, considering the scenarios that you mention:

| 1) A process is spawned that spawns a foreground process and waits on
| that process. In other words, the behavior of create_child.c. A user
| then calls kill on the child process.

This is the simple scenario. The child gets killed and the parent gets
woken up. refCount will be zero when the parent gets the exitcode from the

| 2) A process is spawned that spawns a foreground process and DOES NOT
| wait on that process. Similar to create_child.c except that the parent
| does not wait on the child. A user then calls kill on the child process.

Here, killing the child (and removing its selfreference) will only lead to
one decrement of the refCount and the child would end up being a zombie
with a reference from the parent still there. Note the child would not be
executing at this point either. This _is_ the behaviour that is expected.
To completely remove the thread, another Kill request would have to be
sent to release the refCount from the parent; who failed to Wait for the

| The point is, if kill chooses only to decrement refCount by 1 and wake
| the parent it does not fulfill its contract of removing the process from
| the system because it relies on the parent calling Wait. If the parent
| is not calling Wait then kill creates a zombie process and fails to
| remove the thread from the system.

thats ok. removing the thread from the system was never the intention of
Sys_Kill anyway. Just termination of execution.

| However, if we choose to zero the refCount manually and kill the process
| there is another problem. Presumably we want to wake the parent that
| had previously been waiting for the process we just killed. When this
| parent wakes up it will be in the middle of a Join call with a
| Kernel_Thread reference to an invalid (dead) thread, at which point it
| will access possibly deallocated memory.
| The latter situation seems to be more desirable than the former since
| kill then fulfills its contract. However, what should the behavior of
| Join be upon waking up with an invalid Kernel_Thread pointer.
| Alternatively, we could simply fail to wake the parent thread to avoid
| the problem entirely. This seems like a rather silly policy though.
| Please clarify.

If we understand that a Kill is not a complete purge then we do not even
need to think about these hacks.
David Marcin
2005-09-20 16:45:46 UTC
Out of curiosity, what should the exitcode be in general for a process
that gets killed?
Post by Saurabh Srivastava
This is the simple scenario. The child gets killed and the parent gets
woken up. refCount will be zero when the parent gets the exitcode from the
David Marcin
2005-09-20 16:47:13 UTC
What should the exitCode be for a process that has been killed? Since
Exit would normally set this I assume Kill would be responsible for
setting it in this case...
Post by Saurabh Srivastava
This is the simple scenario. The child gets killed and the parent gets
woken up. refCount will be zero when the parent gets the exitcode from the
Saurabh Srivastava
2005-09-20 18:53:58 UTC
| What should the exitCode be for a process that has been killed? Since
| Exit would normally set this I assume Kill would be responsible for
| setting it in this case...

you can set it to whatever you want. I wouldnt mind setting it to
EKILLED or something that you define yourself. It doesnt matter anyway.
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